Kepok Banana. © 2020 – There are so many benefits of Kepok bananas that are sometimes still rarely known. Kepok bananas are often processed by boiling or steaming. Like others, Kepok bananas also have high enough nutrients and nutrients. Starting from carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, amino acids, calcium, antacids and iron.
Interestingly, Kepok bananas are also known to be low in sugar content. So it is suitable for consumption by diabetics. Not only that, Kepok bananas are also low in fat and rich in potassium. For this reason, one type of banana is suitable for consumption by pregnant women and toddlers. It doesn’t stop there, there are many more benefits of boiled Kepok bananas.
Intrigued by the benefits of boiled Kepok bananas? Launching from various sources, Friday (20/11/2020), see the following information review.
The benefits of the first boiled kepok banana are that it can help smooth the digestive system. It was said before, Kepok banana has a high enough fiber content in it. This content is what makes Kepok bananas able to help smooth digestion.
Fiber is known to be very effective in helping the performance and activity of the digestive system. In addition, the carbohydrate content in Kepok banana is also able to maintain bowel movements to stay regular. So that Kepok bananas can also help you in launching your bowel movements.

© Shutterstock / Yuri Arcurs
Lose weight
The second benefit of boiled kepok bananas is that it can help you lose weight. Did you know, Kepok banana contains a number of important nutrients that are quite high. One of them is vitamin B6. The vitamins present in bananas will help you in your digestive system or metabolism.
Not only that, Kepok bananas are also known to have low fat levels. So that the kepok banana is very suitable for consumption for people who are undergoing a diet. Interestingly, the carbohydrates in Kepok bananas can also make the stomach full longer.
Control Blood Pressure & Sugar
The third benefit of boiled kepok bananas is to help control blood pressure and sugar. One type of banana seems to have a high potassium content but is low in sodium. This combination is what makes Kepok banana very good for normalizing and controlling blood pressure. Therefore, by consuming it you can avoid the risk of hypertension more easily.
Kepok bananas are also low in sugar content. So that the kepok banana is very suitable for consumption for diabetics. In addition, the carbohydrate content in Kepok banana also makes your stomach full longer. The habit of consuming rice which is high in sugar can later be reduced.
Strengthens Bones
Helping to strengthen bones is one of the benefits of boiled Kepok bananas. This is due to the prebiotic content in boiled Kepok bananas. These prebiotics are called fructooligosaccharide.
This content is what helps your bones absorb calcium better. Yes, calcium is not found in boiled kepok bananas. Prebiotics are what later help the bones absorb calcium more easily. So that later boiled Kepok bananas can strengthen bones very well.
Increase the Immune System
The next benefit of boiled kepok bananas is to help increase the body’s immune system. This is because boiled Kepok bananas have a very high potassium content. In fact, it is known that the potassium levels in Kepok bananas are higher than other food sources.
Therefore, for those of you who lack potassium, it is recommended to eat Kepok bananas. Did you know that potassium is very good in helping the process of producing white blood cells in the lymph nodes. Not only that, potassium will also help metabolic processes in your body.

© 2013
Prevent Anemia
The benefits of the next boiled kepok banana are to help prevent anemia. Especially for pregnant women. It is common knowledge, pregnant women often experience anemia or lack of blood. Because, pregnant women really need a lot of blood for the formation of fetal organs.
One way to overcome this is by eating boiled Kepok bananas. This is because boiled Kepok bananas contain iron in it. This iron is needed to produce hemoglobin and is also able to prevent anemia.
Healthy Eyes
Another benefit of boiled kepok bananas is that they can help nourish the eyes. This is because Kepok bananas have a high enough carotene content. Did you know, carotene is a pro vitamin A which will later be converted into vitamin A by the liver.
It is common knowledge, vitamin A can help nourish the eyes. This is because vitamin A has an important role that is needed by the cells and tissues around the eye. For that vitamin A is very good for repairing damaged cells and also prevents the development of abnormal cells. In addition, boiled Kepok bananas are able to maintain good eye health. [tan]
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