– Lakes are man-made natural phenomena that have an important role for life. This lake is a large land basin that contains or holds large amounts of water. In the rainy season, the lake usually holds rainwater from entering and causing flooding in residents’ settlements.
No wonder, in big cities like Jakarta, lake maintenance is an important thing to do. This is done so that the lake remains normal, free of litter, and can function optimally to prevent the risk of annual flooding that usually occurs. Not only ensuring that the lake is free of waste, the government often dredges the lake so that it has a greater capacity.
Apart from preventing floods, there are several benefits of lakes that are no less important for life. Lakes are known to have an important role in providing clean water reserves, resources for generating electricity, and recreational benefits that can be enjoyed by the general public.
The many benefits of lakes for human life can be a reason for people to start to preserve and clean the environment around the lake. Not littering in the middle or on the banks of the lake is one concrete action that can save environmental health.
In addition, knowing a more complete explanation of some of the benefits of lakes for the following life, can open your eyes to start taking real actions in protecting the environment. Reporting from the Lakehomes website, here we summarize some of the benefits of lakes for life that you need to know.
Providing Clean Water Supply

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The first benefit of lakes for human life is of course to provide clean water reserves. In this case, the lake can accommodate large amounts of rainwater so that it can be used by the community as a source of water to carry out several activities. In America, lakes also serve as suppliers of drinking water reserves that can be consumed by the community.
That way, a well-managed lake can produce a source of clean water that can be useful for everyday human life. Water from this lake can be flowed to each house for use in household activities, such as bathing, cooking, and drinking water consumed every day. So it can be said that lakes have an important role to play in increasing fresh water reserves, which are very limited in number.
Flood Control
The benefits of the lake for the next life are as a means to prevent and control flooding. This is often the main reason for the creation of lakes with many dams in big cities. Where this lake can function to accommodate or release additional water, depending on the needs of the downstream environment.
Lakes created in large urban areas can collect large amounts of rainwater, which falls very heavily in season. That way, rainwater overflow in residential areas and city streets can be minimized. This benefit can be obtained when lake management in big cities is carried out properly. So that the lake environment is maintained clean and functions as a flood control can work optimally.

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The benefits of the lake for the next life are that it can be useful for hydroelectric or hydroelectric plants. That said, almost all reservoirs or lakes today are equipped with turbines that generate hydropower. This turbine will work rotating, swinging the water in the dam then producing energy.
The energy generated from this turbine can be utilized to properly flow electricity. By utilizing this technology, electricity needs for every community can be provided properly. For this reason, it is important for the community to maintain a clean environment and avoid actions that can pollute rivers, lakes, and other water sources that can be used for electricity generation.
Natural Cooling
Another important benefit of the lake for life is as a natural cooler. Keep in mind, making lakes can also be useful for keeping nuclear power plants cool. So that the lake becomes a supporting factor for running a nuclear power plant properly.
Just like hydropower, nuclear power generation is also a cleaner and environmentally friendly energy resource than coal and natural gas burning facilities. That way, this technology needs to be continuously carried out and developed to maintain the health of the earth’s environment as a whole.

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The benefit of the lake for the last life is that it can be used as an object of recreation. The construction of a well-managed lake dam will certainly create a clean and well-maintained environmental condition. Not infrequently, several other interesting facilities were built around the lake to increase public interest in recreation in this place.
This effort can of course encourage tourism in the local area and open up economic opportunities for the surrounding community. Thus, the existence of this lake in addition to providing attractive recreational entertainment for visitors but also can increase the wheels of the local economy to be more advanced and prosperous.