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What is Hydroxychloroquine and Its Effects for Covid-19 Patients?

Coronavirus pandemic is still a big problem in many countries. Until mid-April, more than 2.5 million people have been infected with the virus originating from Wuhan, China.

Various ways have been done by a number of parties to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Researchers are still working hard to find a vaccine that can cure Covid-19's disease.

Although until now the coronavirus vaccine has not been found, researchers have used several drugs to be given to Covid-19 patients, one of which is Hydroxychloroquine.

Hydroxychloroquine is indeed known to be a drug needed to reduce the symptoms of positive patients with Covid-19. It is known that the raw material of this drug is very difficult to obtain because almost all the world scrambles to get this drug.

Then what and how does this Hydroxychloroquine drug work. Summarized from various sources, the following is an explanation for you.

What is Hydroxychloroquine?

As reported by the Healthline website, Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription drug, meaning that it can only be consumed using a doctor's prescription. Hydroxychloroquine in the form of tablets taken directly, or also called oral tablets.

In the market, this drug is available with the trademark Planequil. In addition, Hydroxychloroquine is also available in generic versions. Usually, this generic version can be obtained at a cheaper price. But in some cases, this generic version of Hydroxychloroquine is not available in any specific strength or dose.

Usually, the drug Hydroxychloroquine is consumed as a combination therapy. Where the use of this drug is accompanied by the consumption of other drugs. It is known that Hydroxychloroquine is produced to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, Hydroxychloroquine is also used to prevent and treat malaria.

The difference with Chloroquine

Before Hydroxychloroquine, it was known that Chloroquine had already been used to treat Covid-19 patients. As reported by the Sehatq website, Chloroquine is used to prevent and treat malaria. This drug is believed to work to inhibit the entry of the virus into the body.

The Chloroquine drug was then used by the Chinese government to be tested on Covid-19 patients. Patients who receive this treatment, show better lung X-ray results, can inhibit the virus and speed recovery.

Along with the development, there is now a new drug which is still one type with Chloroquine, namely Hydroxychloroquine. Both of these drugs are indeed used for malaria. But based on research, the use of Hydroxychloroquine is considered more effective to kill the coronavirus than Chloroquine that has been used before.

However, other studies have found that consumption of Hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 patients has the possibility of liver and kidney damage. However, this matter is still further investigated to clarify the facts.

How Hydroxychloroquine Works

As mentioned previously, Hydroxychloroquine has been used to prevent and treat malaria. In this case, according to the Healthline website, Hydroxychloroquine works to kill parasites that cause malaria infections. But in its use for lupus and arthritis, it is still not clear how Hydroxychloroquine works.

Whereas in the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak, Hydroxychloroquine is believed to inhibit the development of the virus and prevent the condition of worsening lung infections. In its implementation, Hydroxychloroquine is believed to be able to accelerate the recovery of Covid-19 patients.

Hydroxychloroquine dan Azithromycin

The Indonesian government has now used the drug Hydroxychloroquine for handling Covid-19 patients. As a combination therapy drug, Hydroxychloroquine is taken with the drug Azithromycin.

Based on the Sehatq website, a combination of the two drugs has been carried out by French researchers. The study was conducted in 20 Covid-19 patients. The results obtained showed that all patients who received this treatment were declared virologically cured. Where the virus is no longer detected in the patient's body.

Although considered effective, WHO says that research conducted in small scopes and using non-random methods cannot show accurate results. So in this case, further research is still needed to strengthen the facts mentioned.