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When it comes to coaching in the 2021 sea game, Zeys chooses these five players!

Once coached at Sea Games in 2021, Zeys will pick these five players!

Rumors about the 2021 Southeast Asian Games have spread in the near future due to age restrictions that seem to prevent some players, such as Felixic, Albert, and players under the age of 18.

Interviewed by ONE Esports, Zeys revealed the names of the players he would bring to coach the 2021 Sea Games.

Zeys EVOS Legends retired
Source: ig @ z3zeys

“Based on the current situation, looking at performance and age limits, I choose REKT, Luminaire, Wan, Antimage, and Clover,” Zeys said.

“As I said, chemistry can’t be built right away. I knew that if the national teams came from different teams, they would have minimal time to practice together, so it would be a strength that could be maximized. I chose to choose my team because I knew the possibilities, “Zeys added.

Zeys’ choice isn’t too far from his roster on the EVOS Legends team. The difference is that Wann has replaced Ferxiic, who cannot play due to age restrictions.

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It really makes sense, as Zeys has clarified the reason for chemistry. Integrating chemistry is not easy, so it is a wise choice to bring in five players or one team nearby.

Some seem to agree with Zeys’ choice, especially given that the roster won MPLID Season 7 and proved to be strong. There are some unusual changes in the jungler camp.

But if you’ve been together before, chemistry definitely mixes rosters back into the selection and gets chemistry easier than remembering the previous Sea Games, which made it harder to get chemistry. can do.

Do you agree with Zeys’ choice for 2021 Sea Games players?

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