The 5 most long-awaited character players in Genshin Impact
Five long-awaited characters with the impact of Genshin Impact!
Genshin Impact has done a great job of building characters, from good gameplay to funny character backgrounds.
Some of the characters that appear are usually highly anticipated, as they have a very high ability to damage enemies upon arrival.
Some characters may not be playable, while others will be released as story mode NPCs.
There were leaks of 10 characters or more during development, but some of them were ignored by the Genshin Impact community due to the lack of information provided by Mihoyo.
Therefore, they are only interested in the five characters that leaked.
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5 most long-awaited characters to be played

Ayaka is a five-star character who wields a sword with Cryo’s Elemental Vision. In the story of Genshin Impact, he is also known as the daughter of the famous descendant of Kamizato of Lightning.
The unique gameplay that leaked from the beta stage is very popular with fans. In the following leaked video, you can see Ayaka using her basic dazzling skills and catchy sprint animations.

La Signora is probably the most anticipated character in the current Genshin Impact, but there is no information on when it will be released. Genshin Impact first appeared in Prologue 3.
Signora is from Snejunaya, an area not featured on the Genshin Impact Map.
He showed his mighty power, defeating Venti and Anemo Archon in just a few seconds and robbing Gnosticism.
Signora operates under the command of the Cryo Archon of Tsarina as part of the Fatui organization.

Scaramouche first appeared in “The Crisis Deepens”. He then appears in a mysterious form in “The Sky Hides, The Water Reveals”, showing the hidden intention of killing travelers.
However, Mona saves him by teleporting. Scaramouche is the sixth character of the 11 Fatui Harbinger storyline from the land of Inazuma.

Dáinsleif first appeared in the storyline of Genshin Impact during “Chapter 1: Act 4: Buff Keeper: Dáinsleif”. Dáinsleif himself claimed to be a witness to the collapse of the entire Haenria civilization.
He behaves normally, but seems to be hiding something while talking about Montstadt’s past and Dvalinn’s history.

Baizhu is presumed to be the first Dendro-type character in the game. He first appeared in Archon Quest: Chapter 1-Act 2, “Gijon” in Riyue.
He owns a BuBu pharmacy at the port of Liyue. Baizhu had a white snake around his neck all the time.
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