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Between the RRQ and EVOS teams, Tutulu likes this team, why?

Between the RRQ and EVOS teams, Tutulu likes this team, why?

One of the professional players who decided not to play anymore, Tutur, was invited by Jonathan Riandy to his event “EMPETOT” Emperor This or That.

At the event, Tuturu was given many choices of questions related to choosing EVOS or RRQ, which is Tuturu’s answer.

“RRQ, I’m the Kingdom of RRQ,” said Tutur.

Jonathan again asked if he would play EVOS with a player chosen from Tutur, and this is the answer from Tutur.

“RRQ isn’t there yet, I can slaughter all players, I’m loyal, but still RRQ,” Tuturu said.

Yes, without much thought, Tutulu emphasized that Jonathan at the time emphasized that playing on EVOS was his player of choice, but his answer was to choose to play on RRQ.

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But Tutulu remains his choice, RRQ. This choice is very reasonable, as Tuturu was in the pro scene from the beginning and played in RRQ.

Of course, with the choice of the RRQ team and other teams, Tutur will choose the RRQ team that has been with him for a long time until Season 5. Despite being a pro scene, it’s not clear if Tutulu will return to play.

Is it Tuturu as one of the other RRQ players, R7, provided the latest news that RRQ veterans could return to Season 8?

To be sure, it’s clear that in the future we will have to wait for official information from the RRQ team. If it’s a real vine, of course, we’ll look again at his ability to play Mobile Legends.

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