10 secret flicker combos of Mobile Legends (ML). Many people don't know!
Flicker is one of the popular battle spells in Mobile Legends (ML) games. Flicker is usually used to start or escape towards an enemy.
However, I found that there are some skill combos that can be used in combination with flicker. If you’re tired of common tricks like Tigrial Ultimate + Flicker Combo, or Baratz Ultimate + Flicker. You can gain new knowledge by learning 10 mobile legends flicker combo tricks that are not yet known to many players.
1. Butterflies

Combo: Flicker + Ultimate
Most users only know the Ultimate + Flicker combo. However, the Flicker + Ultimate combo is good if you want to pick up an enemy hero head-on.Therefore, if you hit the ultimate against the enemy, it will flicker immediately before the first kick begins. Backward Opponent.
This will change the direction of the butterfly kick depending on where you point the flicker. So you can suddenly kick towards the turret!
2. Hula
Combo: Skill 1 + Flicker
Most players only know the flicker + ultimate combo because of the popularity of LJ when it played tanks in MPL Season 5 RRQ. You can use flicker!
This is very useful for you who want to surprise your opponent’s hero. Enemy heroes will be attacked suddenly because of your flickering, although your one tyrant’s revenge skill will fail.
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3. Freia
Freyja’s second skill can be used four times. When Freyja’s passives are full, stun enemies in the fourth phase of skill 2. However, this skill is easy enough for your opponent to avoid. So you can use your two-phase four skills to flash towards someone you don’t want to surprise him suddenly.
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4. Lapu Lapu
Lapu-lapu has three flicker tricks you can use.
Combo: Ultimate Mode Normal + Flicker
You can do this when you want to stay in normal mode and jump towards your opponent in Ultimate. Use flicker to take the jump further.
Combo: Ultimate Mode Warrior Phase 1 + Ultimate Mode Warrior Phase 2 + Flicker + Ultimate Mode Warrior Phase 3
The most painful damage from Lapu Lapu Skill is Ultimate Mode Warrior Phase 3! Therefore, you need to make sure that your skill hits your opponent’s hero (1 or more if possible). This skill can be easily avoided due to the slow skill animation. So you can use flicker before Phase 3 to suddenly surprise your opponent’s hero.
Combo: Warrior Skill 1 Mode + Flicker
This is Lapu-Lapu’s primary CC skill, as it can stun multiple enemies for extended periods of time. Therefore, you also need to make sure that this skill hits. However, this skill has a short range and is easy to avoid, so you can use flicker to shorten the distance to your opponent and surprise your opponent.
5. Giron

Combo: Skill 1 + Flicker
This combo is similar to the Barats ulti + flicker combo. Once you’ve scooped up your opponent with Zilong, you can flicker and pick up your opponent’s hero closer to the turret or team.
6. Farsa
Combo: Ultimate + Flicker
When Farsa is in ultimate feather air strike mode, you can use flicker to reposition and further increase the ultimate radius.
This Farsa trick is one of the Mobile Legends (ML) flickering combos that most people don’t know about!
7. Silvanna
Sylvanna has two flicker combo tricks.
Combo: Skill 1 + Flicker
First with combo skill 1, then flickering. You can use this to surprise your opponent. Skill 1 flickers quickly.
Combo: Skill 2 + Flicker
You can do the same with Skill 2 Silvanna.
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8. Doggie
Combo: Ultimate + Flicker
Wan Wan has one major weakness when in ultimate shooting mode. He can’t cross the wall! So for the other team who already understands Wanwan, they flicker the wall and run as much as possible.
But with a flicker he can now go through the wall! Wanwan can chase the opponent while continuing to shoot.
9. Kadita

Combo: Ultimate + Flicker
When Cadita’s Ultimate hits completely, most of the opponent’s soft heroes die. However, the ultimate Kadita has a long delay and is easy to avoid. You can overcome this with flicker. When you press Ultimate, you can use the flicker towards the enemy’s body, instantly shocking the enemy and suffering Kadita’s ultimate full damage.
10. Popol & Kupa
Combo: Skill 2 + Flicker
Popol’s second skill calls Kupa to provide a shield and knocks up all enemy heroes around Popol. You can use this to surprise your opponent and apply CC. Use Skill 2 and then flick the enemy hero to instantly stun, then use Skill 1 to bite and set a trap. Guarantee your opponent to die of lice!
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Here are 10 secret flicker combo tricks you can try in Mobile Legends (ML) games. There are actually 14 other flickering hero combos, but the author emphasizes only 10 as this is a combo that needs to be mastered and can be used in many situations.
The source of this flickering trick is from Youtuber Mobile Legends Betoski:
Some of these flickering tricks should be practiced in custom mode first, then classic and smooth, and then try to rank as they require fairly high hand speeds.
And instead of forcing this trick every time, you have to be patient and wait for the right moment. Make sure this combo hits your opponent’s hero, as the flicker has a long cooldown (120 seconds). Please do not use it carelessly. good luck!
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