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There are new features in Mobile Legends (ML), making playing easy!

There is a new feature in Mobile Legends (ML) that makes playing easy!

Moonton has just presented a cool feature that makes it easier for you to play the Mobile Legends game.

This feature is a built-in system feature that you can use automatically when playing certain heroes.

More details, this feature will later follow the movement of skills that will be thrown by our hero wherever we go.

But the problem is this feature only applies to heroes who have distant skills, such as Moskov, Alice and Selena (in Elven mode).

So basically when our hero issues a skill, the camera will follow to see the distance of their skill, for example you can see the video above.

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Important or Not This Feature?

new features of mobile legends ml
photo via yt day helder

For some players, they may feel unimportant with the presence of this feature, especially players who don’t play heroes with these distant skills.

But for some players, this feature is very important because they can see the skills that they throw can hit the opponent or not.

So back again, it all depends on those of you who respond to the presence of this feature, how?

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