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The reason why Lius Andre withdrew from Moonton

The surprising news came from the realm of Mobile Legends Indonesia, where one of the important figures in the Indonesian Mobile Legends ecosystem, Lius Andre, reportedly decided to resign from Moonton.

With the resignation of Lius Andre from Moonton, it means that now he has also left his position as Esports Manager of Moonton Indonesia. This information was obtained from my Instagram Lius Andre, where he uploaded a video on May 31, 2020.

The video upload contains the story of Lius Andre, who in 2017 was only a viewer to become an important figure in the development of the Mobile Legends ecosystem in Indonesia.

source: ONE Esports

At the end of the video, it is said that he decided to resign from Moonton. But no further information was given about the reasons why he resigned from Moonton. When asked by Spin eSports, Lius Andre explained the reason why he resigned from Moonton.

“For reasons that are not grandiose, bro, for fear of being trapped in the comfort zone and having to start pursuing a higher career for the future. I resign at Moonton too, not because of a dispute or problem. In fact, you could say that Moonton is already rich in my 2nd house, and his colleagues are also like their own family. Please pray for it to continue smoothly and be successful in the future. ” explained Lius Andre to Spin eSports.

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source: Instagram Lius Andre

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

When asked about what Lius Andre would do in the future, he said that he would still contribute to the world of Indonesian esports.

“For this one, maybe just wait for the surprise, bro. But more or less if it is still allowed, it will still continue to contribute to the world of Esports. he concluded. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website, to get the latest news about eSports!