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STILL BETA! Lack of Livik Maps that Must be Updated for PUBG Mobile!

It’s been 1 month since update patch 0.19.0 is launched by PUBG Mobile. Many features are provided to players in this latest patch, one of which is the addition of a new map, Livik.

This 2 × 2 size map attracts many PUBG players to try to fight in this small map. Even though it’s still BETA, Livik has attracted a lot of attention from PUBG Mobile players to fight there.

Unfortunately, Livik still has many complaints from the players. Here are the drawbacks of the Livik map which are still in the process of being refined.

Too quiet for a small folder

Some comments from the players said that the number of players on the Livik map needs to be increased. Why?

The Livik map only provides the opportunity to enter 52 players in 1 map, and some of the players are still not that much.

The size of the Livik map is only 2 × 2, compared to Erangel’s 8 × 8 size.

Before Livik, Sanhok was the smallest map of all with a size of 4 × 4, it’s just that Sanhok still includes a larger number of teams.

One of the players @ari_pu comment “The map is enlarged, the player becomes 100, and it can make the tournament more exciting.”

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Less similar to PUBG’s Karakin Map

The Livik map is believed by players to follow the concept of the Karakin map which has appeared in the PUBG game.

Karakin and Livik have several similarities, such as the same size, fewer players on one map, so that PUBG Mobile players think that Karakin and Livik are the same map.

With the emergence of this understanding, PUBG Mobile players have great hopes for Livik to be similar to Karakin. In fact, Livik has its own concept that Karakin doesn’t have.

“Just delete it admin, why don’t you just crack it” comment @ 1lham.n on social media accounts.

Black Zone that is not added to Livik

One of the things that have been waiting for in this Livik folder is Black Zone. Black Zone is the same conceptual feature as Red Zone in general.

The difference Black Zone also attack buildings that are in the zone area. So you can’t hide from the missiles that come inside the zone.

Unfortunately Black Zone is not included in the Livik map, and is only available for PUBG. “Min, Black Zone taro on Livik please” comment @ ryul.f on the pubgmobile_id Instagram account.

ALSO READ: The Best Tips for Success in the New PUBG Mobile Livik Map!

Very Few Rank Points

Playing on the Livik Map can also add points to your rank, you know !! Unfortunately, the rank points you get are not as many points as in other maps.

Indeed, because maybe the map is small and has very little playing time, the rank points you get are not that many.

The rank system in PUBG Mobile is calculated from the position of the total number of teams, the number of kills, and hit point. Why in Lavik few points?

Because in 1 map it only contains 52 players, which means there are only 13 teams, from an ordinary map that contains 25 teams, then the rank points you get are of course less.

Kill point and hit point only has a slight effect on the points system, so in the Livik map the points you get cannot be as many as in other maps.

Graphics Are Still Not Good

Since the Livik map is a new map that is still a BETA version, it’s not surprising that the graphics in it are still unsatisfactory.

This is evidenced by the witnesses of the players who commented on Instagram pubgmobile_id. Following is @ adt__01’s criticism of the new monster truck vehicle, “The monster truck is still dotted”.

It is also reported that the monster truck speed is slower than the UAV. Not only the monster trucks, there are still many views from the Livik map that are less than perfect, such as the waterfall commented on by @f_kentzo_p, “Livik is not what wei expected, the waterfall is like glitching water.”

What do you think? Do you agree with the opinions above, or are you okay with this new map?

Write in the comments what you think is still lacking in this Livik folder that PUBG Mobile needs to update.

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