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Rendy Rangers Shows His Ability to Play Free Fire | SPIN

Rendy Rangers immediately stepped on the gas when the beginning of the new season of Free Fire began. Previously when one of the games that had a ranking system underwent season new, so many players immediately step on the gas to get the highest ranking as early as possible than other players.

One of the games that entered season new is Free Fire which started yesterday on May 1, 2020 season 15. Of course, many Free Fire players did it right away push rank, because rank in season 14 will drop automatically, so it should start increasing rank again.

One of the Free Fire players who is also a YouTuber, namely Rendy Rangers with his squad did push rank with other Survivors to reach rank the highest in Free Fire, namely Grandmaster.

Source: YouTube Randy Rangers

Previously, Randy Rangers made it to the rank Heroic on season 14 ago and when entering season new, Randy Rangers should start at rank Gold III.

Although starting from rank Gold III, accompanied by Randy Rangers Deandra, Papa Limite, and Jilly managed to make its own achievement, namely reaching the Grandmaster in just 8 hours.

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Source: YouTube Rendy Rangers

This saw Rendy Rangers beat the previous record he had at seaosn 14, where he reached rank Grandmaster with a span of 9 hours.

To see how the Rendy Rangers are doing push rank Free Fire for 8 hours, spinners can immediately check YouTube account her him. Don’t forget to keep visiting website us, to get the latest eSports news!