Hobby of hiding in FF? This is the weapon for you!
To be able to get Booyah in the Free Fire (FF) game is indeed not an easy thing, especially if it is already in a high Rank!
Free Fire players have various types of strategies to be the last person / squad to live on the map.
One way is to hide following the passage of the zone, or commonly referred to as ngendok.
These players who like to scoop can usually survive to the end zone, when there are only a few enemies left. This is because they stay away from fighting so they don’t die first.
Well, for players who like to play scooping / hiding like that, there are recommendations for some of the right weapons to use!
Weapon recommendations for players scooping!
With damage and also a very large range from SVD, you are guaranteed to hide while hiding the enemies who are running.
If suddenly you are rushed by the enemy, prepare your AUG to slaughter all of them who enter your hideout.
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With its high rate of fire, it’s guaranteed that you will definitely be able to eradicate them all, of course with good aiming skills!
M82B and UMP / MP40
The M82B can help you destroy the gloo wall, because it has a fairly large gloo wall penetration.
What’s more, with the SMG weapon as a second weapon, you can finish off your opponent at close range well.
Take a house or scoop that is in a very good position to see enemies from all directions, and avoid open spaces.
Choose SMG between UMP or MP40 which you think is the best, and the one you usually use so far.
This deadly weapon is very important, because to play scooping, who would have thought that AWM is very suitable as a short-range weapon too.
It can be considered as an additional shotgun as long as you use AWM, because the damage is so big, imagine if you compete at close range.
For auto weapons, you can use VSS which is already equipped with Bullet Ripper, in addition to damage to the enemy.
Well, for those of you who often play secretly from the map, it’s really okay to try the weapon recommendations above.
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