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Touch and Feel the Benefits

Through touch, you can feel at ease, even to the point of healing disease, you know. According to Dr IGAN Partiwi SpA, MARS., touch can reduce hormones cathecholamine or also called stress hormone, this hormone affects a person’s immune system. Touching the skin can also transfer the baby’s temperature to the person who hugs him, so there is a conduction principle so that it can reduce fever in the baby. The touch of the skin also stimulates various growth hormones, serotonin or pleasant hormones, thus making the baby comfortable and grow better.

How about the touching one? The giver of touch also gets the benefits. “Among them is reducing stress, because stress on nursing mothers can affect breast milk. When stressed, it has the potential to hinder the process of expressing breast milk and breastfeeding, “said Dr. Natalia Isaza, a neonatologist from Children’s National Medical Center, US.

Form of touch can also be through gentle massage. Maureen McCaffrey, a certified infant massage instructor from Packard Children’s, AS, explained the benefits of baby massage, one of which is:

– Makes baby feel loved, accepted, safe and comfortable.

– Creating a regular baby sleep pattern.

– Good impact on the digestive system

– Reduces baby fuss.

– Improve neurological function or brain and nerve function in infants.

– Increase the weight of babies born preterm (premature birth).

– Increase lactation production for mothers.

– Reducing maternal postpartum depression.

– Promotes relaxation for both babies and parents. (DEN)