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This is the Change of Last Year's Pandemic Aid and Present

BSU was stopped and incentives for health workers were cut.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Since the Covid-19 pandemic began to spread in Indonesia, the government has started to provide various economic stimuli and other supporting assistance. In particular, to those who are affected or who need assistance.

Some of these aids are still ongoing. Apart from deducting the value of the benefits, or being stopped and waiting for further confirmation.

Here’s an explanation and changes

1. Cash Social Assistance (Continued)

The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), had time to distribute Cash Social Assistance (BST) worth Rp. 500,000 in mid-2020 to the public for one time.

The assistance is targeted for families classified as Beneficiary Families (KPM) of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT). The total budget for cash social assistance (BST) is aimed at 9 million beneficiary families (KPM), with a ceiling of IDR 4.5 trillion.

However, in 2021, along with the change of Minister of Social Affairs by Tri Rismaharini, Cash Social Assistance is indeed being prepared by the government again. The plan is that this assistance is prepared for 10 million KPM with a value of Rp 200 thousand per KPM in 2021. Meanwhile, the total budget prepared is around Rp 12 trillion for the transfer period from January to June 2021.

2. Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) (Continued in 2021)

At that time, Juliari P Batubara, the former Minister of Social Affairs who was involved in the 2020 basic food social assistance corruption case, received directions from President Jokowi to increase the value of the basic food assistance program.

“As of March 1 to August 31, the Staple Food Program, which used to be the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program, we increased it from Rp. 150 thousand to Rp. 200 thousand. It was not me who ordered it but President Jokowi who ordered it,” said Juliari at the time.

In 2020, BPNT membership is around 15.2 million, while in 2021, membership will increase to 18.5 million KPM. This year, BPNT’s budget is also Rp. 200 thousand. The total ceiling budgeted for this year is IDR 44.7 trillion.

3. Wage Subsidy Assistance (Not Continued)

In the last period of last year, the government distributed wage subsidies for workers with salaries below IDR 5 million. The assistance worth Rp 2.4 million per person was distributed in three months and two periods.

Republika reported, Menaker Ida Fauziah had time to explain, if the assistance had covered 98.91 percent of the realization. Of the 12,403,896 aid recipients and 413,649 companies, BSU has distributed around Rp. 29.5 trillion.

However, the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said that the government has not yet planned the BSU for 2021. This is because the government sees that some conditions have recovered compared to the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.

“We are still waiting, because it is not allocated in the 2021 APBN (BSU). Later we will see how the next economic condition will be. But indeed (BSU) is not allocated in the 2021 APBN,” said the Minister of Manpower, Monday (1/2).

4. Education Quota Assistance (Plan to be continued)

During 2020, the government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, provided learning access assistance for teachers and students. Cited page Ministry of Education and Culture, Kemendikbud and other stakeholders provide internet quota subsidies for students, teachers, students and lecturers for four months with a value of Rp 7.2 trillion.

“Fiscal assistance is given to 60 million students for general education and special education. Of course this assistance is very useful. Moreover, Minister Nadiem has managed the allocation of its use properly. I think this is a very good decision,” said the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, at that time.

In 2021, the Ministry of Education and Culture will provide news on the extension of internet assistance. This was revealed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Ainun Naim.

Quoting RepublikaHe said that if the internet quota subsidy for students, teachers, lecturers, and students in 2021 would still be given. However, the regulations and the amount of assistance are still under discussion.

“In 2021, the internet quota allocation will still be carried out. However, of course we will try to pursue a better way,” said Ainun, in a teleconference, Tuesday (5/1).

He explained that currently Kemendikbud is formulating the amount and scope of this subsidy. Because, in 2021 the pandemic situation is predicted to have developments with vaccination.

In addition, this subsidy policy will be influenced by the situation of schools that are still conducting distance learning, face-to-face learning, or a mixture of face-to-face and distance learning.

5. Health Care Incentives (Deducted)

The government has begun to provide incentives for health workers who fight Covid-19. During 2020, incentives for doctors to nurses are different, for specialist doctors the incentives are Rp. 15 million, general doctors or dentists Rp. 10 million, midwives or nurses Rp. 7.5 million, and other medical personnel Rp. 5 million.

This amount, not including compensation for medical personnel who died due to Covid-19, is IDR 300 million and the funds are coordinated with the Ministry of Health. However, there is no Minister of Health Decree regarding that.

However, based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance number: S-65 / MK.02 / 2021 concerning the latest determination of the incentive for health workers, there is a cut in value. In the decree, it was explained that the incentives for specialist doctors were Rp. 7,500,000, PPDS participants Rp6,250,000, general doctors and dentists Rp. 5,000,000, midwives and nurses Rp. 3,750,000, and other health workers Rp. 2,500,000. The cost of compensation for death, is still the same as Rp. 300 million.