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There are many benefits of swimming for brain health

Jakarta. The benefits of doing regular swimming exercise are not only visible physically, but also for brain health.

The physical benefits of swimming training are obvious, especially to strengthen muscles and promote a straighter posture. That is why people who have an upright and slender body shape are often described as “swimmers’ bodies.”

Reporting from the Medical Daily, there are several benefits of swimming for brain health. Consider the following explanation:

– Better cognitive function
Increased blood flow can help improve memory, mood, clarity, and focus. This is because when swimming, blood flow to the brain is higher than when exercising on land.

“Any repetitive movement, such as running, or dancing, will increase blood flow to the brain. But the benefits can be further enhanced when swimming,” said Bob Prichard, a coach who handled many US swimmers for the Olympics.

– Improve mood
Doing exercise, including swimming can release neurotrophic factors in the brain, namely endorphins, which are very good for reducing stress, anxiety, or bad mood.

“Swimming can actually reduce symptoms of depression, in part because this activity stimulates the production of hormones that improve mood,” said Dr. David Coppel, a neuropsychologist and researcher.

Swimming is also effective in reducing panic and sadness due to the swimming techniques used, such as kicking, breathing, and repetition. The movements can be meditative in nature, thereby reducing tension.

– Memory
Stress-induced brain damage can be repaired, or damaged brain cells replaced, by swimming. When we do sports that require large oxygen, such as swimming, the hippocampus in the brain will enlarge and the flow of oxygen is greater.

– Study skills
The movements in swimming also help the development of nerve fibers in the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that plays a role in communication between the right and left brain. Swimming will activate all parts of the brain simultaneously, so that learning abilities also increase.

A 2012 study concluded that children who learn to swim at a young age will achieve development earlier than their peers. Milestones for faster development include motor skills such as coordination, visual motor skills, and math tasks.

(Lusia Kus Anna)