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The rules for the benefits of KPR from JHT savings are issued

Reporter: Handoyo | Editor: Sanny Cicilia

JAKARTA. The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) issues regulations regarding the Procedure for Providing, Requirements and Types of Additional Service Benefits in the Old Age Security Program (JHT). The regulation is stated in the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 35 of 2016.

With this regulation, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has a responsibility to workers to help provide easy access to housing ownership for workers.

The convenience is in the Housing Down Payment (PUMP), KPR (Home Ownership Credit) and PRP (Housing Renovation Financing) scheme.

Secretary General of the All Indonesian Workers Organization (OPSI) Timboel Siregar said, this policy actually existed in the Social Security era, but since being transformed into BPJS Ketenagakerjaan this scheme was abolished.

According to Timboel, the abolition of the policy of ease of housing ownership is detrimental to workers. “Therefore, this additional service is encouraged to be activated again,” said Timboel, Wednesday (21/12).

The presence of this Permenaker is very good because it can support the fulfillment of the basic needs of workers for housing and can support the purchasing power of workers.

What must be followed up from this Permenaker is the need for socialization so that workers can immediately access these additional services, either through PUMP, KPR or PRP.

Another follow-up is to coordinate with the Tapera Law (Public Housing Savings), not to overlap, considering that the Tapera Law is also responsible for providing housing for workers.

Previously, the Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) said the problem of providing housing was managed under one funding platform. This is done so that the funds collected are greater and the costs incurred in management are low.

Apindo also encourages the implementation of Tapera to be synchronized with the BPJS Employment program, namely Old Age Security (JHT). “The JHT program managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has allocated funds for housing as well,” said Hariyadi Sukamdani, Chairperson of Apindo.

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