The benefits of mangosteen peel plus how to make it easy to try
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Not only the fruit, mangosteen peel is also beneficial for health. The benefits of mangosteen peel come from compounds called xanthones, antioxidants, and so on. Not only useful for health in the body, mangosteen peel is also beneficial for the health of your skin.
Quoting from Health Medicines (, mangosteen peel can treat various diseases. For example, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer. Mangosteen peel is also able to prevent the accumulation of body fat so that your weight is more awake.
You can consume mangosteen peel extract in the form of juice, make it into tea, or combine it with other health drinks. The way to make it is quite easy. If you don’t have much time, you can buy mangosteen peel extract easily on the market.
Benefits of Mangosteen Skin
As said, there are many benefits of mangosteen peel that you can get. First, mangosteen peel is able to strengthen your immune system so that diseases, such as colds and coughs can be avoided.
Also Read: This fruit is safe for consumption by diabetics
When the body’s immune system is strong, the healing process of the wound or disease that you are experiencing can also be faster. Second, bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol can go down when you eat mangosteen peel regularly. This means that your blood pressure can also be more stable.
This makes blood vessels healthier so that your heart health will be maintained. The third benefit of mangosteen peel mentioned by Health Medicines is that natural ingredients can prevent diarrhea and colitis when you consume it regularly.
Fourth, the antioxidants in the mangosteen peel can reduce signs of premature aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and black spots. As a result, the skin looks younger. Fifth, mangosteen peel is also able to relieve menstrual pain experienced by women every month.
Editor: Belladina Biananda