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The benefits of ginger are not only body warmers but also an antidote to the corona virus

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Don’t underestimate Indonesian spices. A professor from Airlangga University, Chaerul Anwar Nidom stated that ingredients derived from various local spices can ward off the virulence of the corona virus.

In a presentation with one of the national television media, Chaerul Anwar Nidom said that spices such as ginger, temuwalak, turmeric, cinnamon and lemongrass which, when combined, are boiled and then drunk the juice every day, can reduce the effects of the corona virus. Even those who are healthy can consume these ingredients to strengthen the body’s resistance, including warding off the corona virus.

Mentioning the spices above is often used for a variety of traditional drinks. One of them is ginger. From ginger, you can make a concoction of wedang ronde, ginger and others.

Also Read: Prevent contracting the corona virus, reduce the intensity of physical contact

So, what are the benefits of ginger? The benefits of one of these cooking spices actually not only add to the delicacy and warmth of one type of drink, such as wedang ronde or ginger milk, but also have a myriad of health benefits.

1. Has the possibility to lower cholesterol. High cholesterol levels in the body have the potential to cause serious illness. Ginger powder was found to reduce LDL or ‘bad cholesterol’ levels in 45 hyperlipidemic patients or those with high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels can also reduce cholesterol levels in mice that have diabetes and hypothyroidism or have low thyroid levels. However, the effect of ginger on cholesterol levels still needs further research.

2. Ward off bacterial and viral infections. The benefits of ginger in warding off certain bacterial and viral infections are supported by the gingerol content in ginger which can inhibit bacterial infections, such as shigella, E. coli, and so on. Ginger spices have also been found to ward off infection with the RSV virus which attacks the respiratory tract. In fact, a study found that ginger has the potential to prevent drug-resistant bacterial infections. In addition, ginger also has antioxidants that may prevent damage to the body’s DNA and stress, and can help with colds and flu.

Editor: Markus Sumartomjon