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The benefits of the BPJS pension fund are still lacking

Reporter: Arif Wicaksono | Editor: Uji Agung Santosa

JAKARTA. The government will immediately finalize the supporting regulations for the implementation of the Social Security Implementing Agency (BPJS) era in terms of pensions. The draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Pension Security will be ratified at the end of this December. However, many parties have criticized the regulation because the pension scheme cannot provide optimal benefits for workers.

In accordance with the draft RPP Pension Security, the pension program applies to all workers, both private and government. Contribution is 8% of wages, 5% borne by the employer and 3% of the workers. Workers can benefit from the program after entering retirement age or meeting the minimum contribution period requirement of 15 years or who have permanent total disability.

The Presidium of the Social Security Action Committee (KAJS), Indra Munaswar, said that workers who retire cannot get an income of 50% of the wages normally received while working if they rely on the pension scheme in the RPP. In fact, the ideal income at retirement is 75% of the current wage. “The existing fee scheme is too small, it should be at least 10%,” said Indra, Tuesday (16/12).

Chairman of the National Social Security Council (DJSN), Chazali Situmorang, also admitted that pension contributions cannot make retirees rich. The calculation is that with the contribution scheme in the RPP, when they retire, workers will get a monthly pension of 30% of the last wage. The deadline for receiving a pension is 25 years. “The value is small, because the concept is a social pension,” said Chazali.

If you want to be rich when you retire, workers must add their own pension plans through an insurance company or something else. At the same time, the existence of the BPJS did not kill the financial industry.

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