See, 7 Benefits of Watermelon for the Body, Good for Digestion to Prevent Cancer
The more ripe the watermelon is, the higher its lycopene and beta-carotene levels.
SERAMBINEWS.COM – Watermelon has a number of health benefits.
Each bite of watermelon contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants and amino acids.
The more ripe the watermelon is, the higher its lycopene and beta-carotene levels.
Reported by from boldsky, according to a study in the Journal of Chromatography, the white meat near the skin of watermelon contains more citrulline, an amino acid.
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This amino acid improves blood circulation to the heart, thereby improving heart health.
Watermelon seeds are not left behind either.
They are full of many health benefits, especially when peeled and sprouted.
Watermelon seeds contain magnesium, protein, healthy fats, and B vitamins.
Here are 7 Health Benefits of Watermelon