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PUPR said about the benefits of the Karian Dam

Reporter: Septiadi fencing | Editor: Yudho Winarto

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. As a multifunctional dam, the Karian Dam will provide many benefits for the lives of the community. So what are the functions?

First, as a channel for carrying raw water, the Karian Dam provides access to clean water for 160 thousand people in Lebak Regency, 1 million in Tangerang Regency, 600 thousand in Tangerang City, 80 thousand in Bogor Regency, and 1.28 million in Jakarta. west.

“When used as bulk water, it will have a water capacity of 4600 liters / second, for Tangerang City 650 liters / second, South Tangerang City 750 liters / second, and West Jakarta 3200 liters / second,” said Director General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of PUPR, Sri Hartoyo, Friday (10/11) at the PUPR Ministry Office.

Particularly for the fulfillment of raw water in Jakarta, Sri added that the Karian Dam will reduce the environmental impact of extracting groundwater as a standard fulfillment in Jakarta.

This is because so far, the fulfillment of Jakarta’s raw water has come from the Jatiluhur Dam to the east of Jakarta and partly from groundwater.

He estimates that with an additional 3200 liters / second from the Karian Dam, there will be a supply of 10.3 kiloliters / second of raw water.

“From Karian 3200 liters per second, from Jatiluhur 4000 liters / second, and from Buaran 3100 liters / second,” continued Sri.

Apart from being a supplier of raw water, the dam with a total capacity of 314.7 million cubic meters can also be used to increase the water supply for agricultural land covering 22,000 hectares in Banten Province.

With guaranteed irrigation water from the dam, the production of unhulled rice is estimated to have increased by 162,800 tons of unhulled rice per year valued at Rp. 500 billion.

Currently, farmers’ grain production is 187,000 tons per year and is targeted to be 349,800 tons per year after the dam operates.

Another benefit is that the Karian Dam can generate electricity of 1.8 MW for 10,000 heads of households in 40 villages or 4 sub-districts around the dam, as well as flood control.

Meanwhile the Director General of Water Resources (SDA) of the Ministry of PUPR, Imam Santoso said that currently the construction of the Karian Dam has reached 48%, and is targeted for completion in 2019.

“We are chasing this so when the dam is finished, the channel must also be finished,” said Imam on the same occasion.

Meanwhile, regarding project funding, some portions of the financing will be carried out under the scheme Public-Private Placement (PPP), and the rest through the Government and Business Entity Cooperation Scheme (PPP).

For the PPP scheme with a building construction work package and several portions of the main channel financing along 47.9 km, loan funds from the South Korean Government have been disbursed through the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) amounting to Rp 2.1 trillion.

The South Korean government acknowledged that the disbursement of funds was given so that the construction of the Karian Dam was completed according to the set schedule.

“From the signing of the MoU yesterday, Thursday (9/11), the Karian Dam is an important project for us. We discussed with President Jokowi how the construction can be on schedule,” said South Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Moon Jae Jin during a visit to Ministry of PUPR, Friday (10/11).

Meanwhile, the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme will be carried out for the construction work of Water Treatment Plants (IPA) and piping networks serving the City of Tangerang, South Tangerang, and western Jakarta. And several portions of funding for the construction of the main channel along the 47.9 km. The investment for this scheme is estimated at Rp. 3.1 trillion.

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