It's Time to Limit Buying Toys for Children, Here Are the Benefits!

It’s okay to limit buying toys for children, because there are several benefits, as according to Joshua Becker, author of The More is Less, as follows:
1. You can have a cleaner and more spacious home! Imagine a sofa free of plasticine patches, and you will not be hurt by stepping on lego pieces under the bed.
2. Children become closer to nature. A new, empty stock of toys will make children interested in running around the yard or watching insects in flower pots.
3. Children care more about their toys. The limited number of toys will make children care more and want to take care of their toys more carefully.
4. Growing more love for art and books. Because they don’t have much new stock, children easily want to glance at books or art activities such as drawing or coloring. The good news is that art activities will help children deal with emotions and appreciate beauty.