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Get to know the health benefits of matcha, a green drink that is often found in cafes today - all pages

Get to know the health benefits of matcha, a green drink that is often found in modern cafes


Get to know the health benefits of matcha, a green drink that is often found in modern cafes

Report from Grid.ID Journalist, Devi Agustiana

Grid.ID – Nowadays, matcha has become a popular drink, we can get it easily in various modern cafes to coffee shops.

Like green tea, matcha comes from the camellia sinensis plant.

However, it grows differently and has a unique nutritional profile.

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Farmers grow matcha by covering their tea plants 20–30 days before harvest to avoid direct sunlight.

This will increase the production of chlorophyll, an amino acid, and give plants their dark green color.

After the tea leaves are harvested, the stems and veins are removed, then the leaves are ground into a fine powder called matcha.

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Matcha contains the nutrients from whole tea leaves, which produce more caffeine and antioxidants than those commonly found in green tea.

Studies show that matcha can help protect the liver, improve heart health, and even aid in weight loss.

For more details, consider the benefits of matcha for health such as Grid.ID reports from the page Healthline following.

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1. Rich in antioxidants

Matcha is rich in catechins, a class of plant compounds in tea that act as natural antioxidants.

Antioxidants help stabilize harmful free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells and cause chronic disease.

The number of certain catechins in matcha is up to 137 times more than other types of green tea.

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Including matcha in food or drinks can increase antioxidant intake, automatically prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic disease.



2. Protect the liver

The liver has an important role in removing toxins, metabolizing drugs, and processing nutrients.

Several studies have found that matcha can help protect liver health.

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3. Improve brain function

Several studies have shown that the components in matcha can help improve brain function.

One study in 23 people looked at how people performed a series of tasks designed to measure brain performance.

Some participants consumed matcha tea containing 4 grams of matcha, while the control group consumed tea or placebo bars.

The researchers found that matcha led to improved attention, reaction time, and memory, compared to placebo.

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4. Prevent cancer

Matcha is packed with health-promoting compounds, including cancer prevention in test-tube and animal studies.

In one study, green tea extract decreased tumor size and slowed the growth of breast cancer cells in mice.

Matcha is very high in epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a type of catechin that has been shown to have strong anti-cancer properties.

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5. Improve heart health

Several studies have shown that drinking green tea, which has a nutritional profile similar to that of matcha, can help protect against heart disease.

Green tea has been shown to reduce levels of total and “bad” LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

6. Helps weight loss

Green tea is well known for its weight loss properties.

Research shows that green tea helps speed up metabolism for energy expenditure and fat burning.

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Even though matcha is full of health benefits, consume it within reasonable limits.

In fact, liver problems have been reported in some people who drink high amounts of green tea on a daily basis.

Drinking matcha can also increase exposure to contaminants such as pesticides, chemicals, and even arsenic which is found in the soil where the tea is grown.