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BPN Reveals the Strengths of Electronic Land Certificates: Safer and Easier to Access

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR) or the National Land Agency (BPN) will launch an electronic land certificate. BPN said that one of the advantages of the electronic certificate is that it is safer for the owner.

Head of the Center for Data and Information on Land, Spatial Planning, Sustainable Food Agriculture (LP2B), Virgo Eresta Jaya emphasized the safety of using electronic certificates.

“This is our way of increasing security, because with electronics, we are more able to avoid counterfeiting, and cannot be denied and falsified. In electronic certificates we also impose electronic signatures, when digital signing is performed, cryptographic operations attach digital certificates and documents to be signed in a unique code, “he said as quoted from the official website of BPN ATR.

Security can also be guaranteed because according to him, the entire information security process uses encryption technology such as cryptography by the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

“In the electronic certificate, the integrity of the data will be guaranteed, which means that the data will always be intact, not reduced or changed, and for our confidentiality, we have been protected by security using encryption technology from BSSN,” he explained.

He further explained the benefits of implementing an electronic certificate that would also support a paperless office culture in the digital era, easy to maintain and manage, accessible anytime and anywhere.

In addition, BPN also said that the electronic certificate avoids the risk of loss, fire, rain and theft of physical documents, accelerates the signing process and services and implements digital signatures that ensure data authentication, integrity and anti-denial of land certificates.

READ: BPN Responds to the Issue of Withdrawal of Certificates to be Converted into Electronic Land Certificates