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BNI Life recorded a decrease in claims and benefits of up to 41.28%

ILLUSTRATION. BNI Life Insurance is perfecting business operations, including underwriting, to tighten risks

Reporter: Maizal Walfajri | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PT BNI Life Insurance continues to improve business operations, including in underwriting to tighten the risk. BNI Life Business Director Neny Asriani said this had an impact on reducing claims and benefits by 41.28% year on year (yoy) until September 2020.

“The decline was because we made improvements underwriting guideline to tighten risk selection. Conduct strict selection of customers applying for health and life insurance. Also provides facilities telemedicine, “Said Neny to Kontan.co.id on Wednesday (16/12).

He explained, the biggest claim came from the Optima Group Health product, which is a product of group insurance which contributed 50.20% of the total claims paid. Then followed by a group of credit life insurance products of 26.45%.

Also Read: Even though the policy was down, the sum insured for BNI Life’s group of insurance grew by 12.4%

In order to keep claims and benefits in an ideal position, this subsidiary of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk carries out a number of strategies. First, conduct educational activities and outreach to customers and employees of BNI Life and BNI Group about a healthy lifestyle. Starting from efforts to increase body immunity, healthy lifestyles, and efforts to prevent Covid-19 through various channels.

Second, provide facilities telemedicine for doctor consultations, such as in Halodoc and other health applications in collaboration with BNI Life. Third, selecting customers who apply for life and health insurance. Fourth, implementing health protocols within BNI Life in accordance with protocols regulated by the government including shifting working hours.

Also Read: Focusing on working on unit links, BNI Life targets premium income of IDR 4.1 trillion in 2020

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