Benefits of Stretching Before, During and After Exercise
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Warming up so the absolute menu before exercise, including stretching. Stretch make sports that are carried out safe from the risk of injury.
Some people think that stretching is only done before exercising. In fact, even after and during exercise, stretching is worth doing and brings its own benefits.
What are the benefits of stretching before, during and after exercise?
Benefits of Stretching Before Exercise
1. Prevent injury
One type of stretching that is good before exercise is dynamic stretching. This one stretch requires the body to move to warm the muscles, joints and tendons.
Dynamic stretching will also increase your range of motion. Quoting Self, one example is that the squat movement will not be ‘deep’ enough if it is done without stretching.
2. Streamlining oxygen flow
Stretching will encourage the flow of oxygen through the blood that flows smoothly throughout the body. Quoting Life Hack, lack of oxygen flow can hinder muscle performance, causing serious injury to joints. The body will feel achy, sore, and tense when you start exercising if this area is not supplied with oxygen.
3. Increase energy
Blood usually builds up in muscles that haven’t been used or moved for a long time. Stretching will drain the accumulated blood, causing an energy surge.
Blood will also flow to the brain especially as you stretch through your back and spine. Blood flow to the brain will increase concentration during exercise.
Benefits of Stretching During exercise
1. Be more aware of the condition of the body
Stretching during exercise will help you gauge energy levels and feelings of fatigue so that you know when to increase your routine or rest.
Taking the time to stretch helps you feel your body and pay attention to your heartbeat.
Illustration. Stretching is also useful when done in the middle of a sports activity. (iStockphoto / imtmphoto) |
2. Reducing the formation of lactic acid
Exercise makes lactic acid production increase, especially if the exercise session is intense enough. Lactic acid is one of the causes of muscle fatigue and pain. So that exercise is not hampered by pain and fatigue, alternating the exercise menu with stretching so that the muscles relax and the lactic acid can dissolve.
3. More freedom of movement
Stretching lengthens the muscles and reduces the tension in the connective tissue area, allowing the body to move more freely. Stretching will also provide good form of motion for different sports. For example, from lunges to squats, where stretching will give the squat a better shape.
Benefits of Stretching After exercise
1. Calms the body
Ravi Patel, a physical therapist and trainer, says it’s important to give the body time to cool down after exercise. Cooling down will help lower your heart rate, calm your breath, and get your body back from vigorous exercise. One of the steps to calming your body is static stretching combined with deep breathing.
2. Repair muscles
Exercise is enough to tear muscles so it needs a process for improvement. Stretching will increase blood flow, oxygen levels, and help deliver nutrients to the body and muscles. In other words, stretching will help the body’s recovery process.
3. Protect joints
Your joints are surrounded by connective tissue and attached muscles. A variety of stretching movements in the joint area will reduce tension and stiffness. The pressure on the joints is also reduced and allows the body to move freely after exercise.
(els / asr)
[Gambas:Video CNN]