Anthonius Gunawan Agung received awards and insurance benefits
ILLUSTRATION. Damage to Mutiara Sis Al Jufri airport
Reporter: Puspita Saraswati | Editor: Narita Indrastiti
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Anthonius Gunawan Agung, Air Traffic Controller (ATC) Officer of Mutiara Sis Aljufri Airport who died in the Palu natural disaster (28/09) while carrying out his duties, today Thursday (4/10) received the Adikarya Dirgantara Pralabda award.
Located in the Lemhanas Building Hall, the Indonesian Minister of Transportation, accompanied by the President Director of Airnav, has handed over to the Inheritance / Family the Adikarya Dirgantara Pralabda award to the late Anthonius which was followed by the delivery of insurance benefits by the President Director of Taspen Life, Maryoso Sumaryono.
The late Anthonius was registered as a participant in Taspen Life since June 2018, while the insurance benefits given to the heirs of the late Anthonius in the Taspen Save and Retirement Health Program (Taspen Group Annuity) totaled IDR 590.65 million.
Maryoso Sumaryono as the President Director of Taspen Life expressed his condolences for the death of the late Anthonius while carrying out his duties as an ATC Officer.
“We at Taspen Life are sorry for all the victims of the earthquake in Palu, as well as the death of the late Anthonius. The insurance benefits that we give to the deceased’s family will not be comparable to the grief experienced by the family. However, we hope that what we have submitted can be useful for the family, “he said in an official statement received by, Thursday (4/10).
Anthonius’ heroic story developed widely in the community because of his courage to continue guiding the Batik Air ID 6231 aircraft until it took off when the earthquake occurred in Palu.
At that time, Anthonius ensured that all passengers on the airline could survive even though they had to sacrifice their lives.
“If only my plane take off ten seconds longer, then I can’t imagine what will happen to the 148 souls on board. The deceased was the only person at that time I could turn to him for help take off clearance. For this I personally give the highest honor to the late, guardian of the heavens, my guardian angel at Palu, “said Capt. Ricosetta Mafella, Batik Air Pilot.
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