5 Benefits of brown rice for health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Are you used to eating brown rice instead of white rice? In fact, this habit brings benefits, you know. The benefits of brown rice come from the many nutrients it contains. Starting from fiber, vitamin B1, calcium, and iron.
Against Free Radicals
Free radicals are formed after the body expends energy. If the numbers continue to accumulate, the body can experience various types of diseases. To avoid this, you can eat brown rice regularly.
Iron and manganese in brown rice act as antioxidants that can fight free radical attacks in the body. In addition, brown rice also contains zinc which can accelerate the wound healing process and increase the body’s defense mechanism.
Contains Vitamin B6
Healthbenefitstimes.com says that brown rice contains a lot of vitamin B6. This type of vitamin can increase serotonin production in the body. Not only that, the functions of the organs in the body are also able to work more optimally when the need for vitamin B6 is met.
Also Read: The complete benefits of eating brown rice
Lowers cholesterol
Another benefit of brown rice that you can get is that your cholesterol can be better controlled. The amount of excess cholesterol in your body can decrease due to the presence of monacolin K in brown rice.
However, you shouldn’t just eat brown rice carelessly. This type of rice can cause excess gas production, heartburn, and dizziness. So, if you are under 18 years of age, suffer from liver disease, or are pregnant women, you should not eat brown rice.
Reducing the Risk of Obesity
Quoting from Healthbenefitstimes.com, brown rice can make you fuller so that you want to eat less. Not only that, brown rice also provides more energy, improves the digestive system, and is low in fat.
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The risk of obesity or being overweight can decrease if you eat brown rice every day. You can consult a nutritionist or doctor first so that your diet program can be more effective and maximal.
Strengthens Bones
Another benefit of brown rice that can be felt by your body is that your bones can become stronger. This is due to the large amount of magnesium contained in brown rice. Magnesium deficiency can cause osteoporosis and reduced bone density.
Editor: Belladina Biananda