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4 Benefits of the best betel leaf for the body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of betel leaf that can be felt by the body. Not only suitable for treating thrush, betel leaf can also cure other ailments. This is because this natural ingredient contains lots of vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, and calcium.

Has Analgesic Ingredients

Netmeds.com (netmeds.com) says that betel leaf has analgesic properties. Analgesics are pain relievers or pain medications without losing one’s consciousness. Some types of wounds, such as cuts, bruises, or rashes, can be healed with these natural ingredients.

Process the betel leaf into a paste, then use the preparation on wounds on your body. That way, the wound can heal faster.

Overcoming Constipation

Another benefit of betel leaf is to overcome constipation because of the presence of antioxidants that can remove free radicals from the body. This natural ingredient is able to restore the body’s pH balance so that stomach aches can subside.

Also Read: Betel leaf as a herbal cough medicine, here’s how to use it

The method you need to do is quite easy. First, soak the betel leaves in water overnight. In the morning, drink the betel leaf infused water on an empty stomach so that bowel movements can be smooth.

Increase Metabolism

Is your metabolism having a problem? If so, consuming betel leaf can be an option. Netmeds.com says that betel leaf is carminative and anti-flatulent so it can maintain a healthy digestive system.

Consuming betel leaf regularly can increase metabolism. This means that circulation and absorption of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals will be better.

Reduces Respiratory System Problems

Respiratory system problems associated with colds and coughs, such as asthma or congestion of the lungs, can be treated with betel leaf. You can get the benefits of the betel leaf in several ways.

Also Read: Betel leaf, a powerful herbal remedy for treating coughs

First, apply mustard oil on the betel leaf then warm it for a while. Then, place the warm leaves on your chest to relieve congestion.

Second, boil some betel leaves with cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon in two glasses of water. Drink this stew two to three times a day so that breathing problems can be reduced.

Editor: Belladina Biananda