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The Importance of Pension Fund Preparation for Workers' Old Age Security

Fimela.com, Jakarta For private workers, having an old age or pension fund must be one of the factors that must be planned. In addition to planning independently or personally, we can also rely on retirement funds from companies or employers.

Because we never know, until when we will still be employed like in the present where Covid-19 appears to strike. Many companies have collapsed or made efficiency by laying off or laying off work relationships.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) revealed that the latest Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in 2020 reached 7.07 percent. This number has increased by 1.84 percentage points compared to 2019.

BPS data also shows that the working population has decreased by 0.31 million people to 128.45 million people compared to 2019. Even in the last year, there were 29.12 million people of working age who were affected by Covid-19 and 2.56 million people. among them are unemployed.

“Seeing the current conditions, we are trying to educate companies even without meeting face to face to consistently socialize the importance of the role of pension funds,” said Manulife Indonesia’s Director and Chief of Employee Benefits & Syariah Unit Karjadi Pranoto.