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Benefits of Vitamin K for Newborns

Vitamin K helps the blood to clot and prevents serious bleeding. In newborns, vitamin K injections can prevent bleeding disorders. Although rare, this disorder is potentially fatal. This condition is also known as’ vitamin K deficiency bleeding or hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.

Babies can be given vitamin K injections in the hospital after they are born.

Why is vitamin K important for newborns? This time Popmama.com reviewed the importance of giving vitamin K to babies and some things that must be considered.

Why is Vitamin K Important for Babies?

Why Vitamin K Is Important For Babies

Pixabay / Engin_Akyurt

Vitamin K helps blood clot, this is important to prevent serious bleeding. Babies don’t get enough vitamin K from their mothers during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Without vitamin K, they are at risk of developing a rare disorder called ‘vitamin K deficiency bleeding’. This condition can cause bleeding to the brain, brain damage or even death.

But you don’t need to worry, this disorder can be prevented by giving extra vitamin K to newborns. At about six months of age, they build up their own supply of vitamin K.

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How Is Vitamin K Given?

How Is Vitamin K Given


The easiest and most reliable way to give a baby vitamin K is by injection. One injection after birth will protect the baby for months.

Since about 1980, most newborns in Australia have been given vitamin K injections. Vitamin K can also be given by mouth. Multiple oral doses are essential to provide adequate protection, as vitamin K is not well absorbed when given by mouth and its effects do not last long.

If the baby vomits within one hour of ingesting vitamin K, the baby needs to be given another dose.

Do All Babies Need Vitamin K?

Do All Babies Need Vitamin K

Pixabay / angel4leon

All babies need vitamin K. Very small or premature babies may need smaller doses. Here are a few things to watch out for:

  • Babies born prematurely or sick should be given vitamins by injection. For two main reasons: the very small doses required are difficult to measure by mouth. In addition, these babies are also more likely to have difficulty feeding.
  • If you choose oral vitamin K and your baby is not healthy, your baby may need an injection.
  • If you take epilepsy, blood clotting or tuberculosis drugs while pregnant, you should tell your doctor. Babies may not be able to absorb vitamin K by mouth and may need injections.

Does Vitamin K Have Any Side Effects?

Does Vitamin K Have Any Side Effects

Freepik / sergei_stock1977

For 40 years vitamin K has been given to new babies in Australia and around the world, it hasn’t caused a problem.

Should babies be given vitamin K? This is your choice. However, giving vitamin K to newborns is a simple way to prevent very serious diseases.

Parents who decide not to take vitamin K should watch out for symptoms of vitamin K deficiency bleeding.

That is information about the importance of giving vitamin K and the benefits of vitamin K for newborns. Discuss with your mother’s obstetrician about the timing of vitamin K after the baby is born. Hope this information is helpful, Ma.

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