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Pindang Patin Bring South Sumatra to Win the 2020 Most Innovative Provincial Award

Liputan6.com, Palembang – The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) through the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang), awarded 25 regions in Indonesia as the most innovative regions in 2020. At the provincial level, South Sumatra (Sumsel) is included in the five most innovative provinces in 2020. Also achieved by the Provinces of Central Java (Central Java), Lampung, DKI Jakarta and Banten. Then at the city level, there are 10 cities that have been named as the most innovative regions. The city of Palembang, South Sumatra also won the award. This award was also received by the cities of Yogyakarta, Bontang, Tangerang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Bogor, Denpasar, Sukabumi and Bekasi. At the district level, of the 10 districts that won awards from the Ministry of Home Affairs, South Sumatra’s Musi Rawas (Mura) District was also in the category. Other districts that also received the same award were Situbondo, Wonogiri, Bogor, Banyuwangi, Temanggung, West Lampung, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Malang and Sumenep. The award was given at the Innovative Government Award (IGA) Award at the Sultan Hotel Jakarta, Friday (18/12/2020) night. The award for the Province of South Sumatra was won by a presentation on the innovation of catfish pindang canning, which is a typical food of South Sumatra. “South Sumatra is a very large producer of catfish, more than 137 thousand tons per year. Processed catfish which is popular in Palembang is Pindang Patin,” he said, Saturday (19/12/2020). Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian directly presented the award to the Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru through Assistant III for Administration and General Affairs of the Regional Secretariat of the South Sumatra Provincial Government, Edwar Juliartha. Regarding the assessment and awarding of the IGA 2020 award, according to him, the implementation of South Sumatra Regional Innovation experienced a tremendous increase. Regional Innovation Index In fact, the South Sumatra Regional Innovation Index Value at the 2019 IGA was 7,477, with 33 innovations implemented. “With this IGA 2020 award, it will further motivate the South Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) to improve public services and government governance and regional development,” he said. Edward said that the innovations applied in South Sumatra increased by almost 2,000 percent. That is, totaling 616 innovations and the 2020 South Sumatra Regional Innovation Index Value of 87,713. Where, this value is ranked first in the IGA application of the Ministry of Home Affairs. He hopes that in the future, the potential in South Sumatra can be used as a field of innovation to bring South Sumatra forward. Various Innovation Programs In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, he believes that the Governor of South Sumatra continues to make various innovations, to drive the economy while adhering to health protocols (prokes). “Various breakthrough and innovation programs are continuously being improved for IKM and UMKM. Because we know that these IKM and UMKM business actors are large and most resilient. However, they still need to be supported by local governments,” he said. Edwar revealed that the current economic condition of South Sumatra is still much better than other provinces in Indonesia. In fact, South Sumatra’s economic growth is greater than the national scale which is minus 5.32 percent.